Monday, May 23, 2016

Three makes a business: Conclusion




Let's look back at the questions we proposed in the introduction.

What actually is a business?
How does it come to be?
What purpose does a business have?
What purpose does it serve?
What kind of people make up a business?
What makes a good employee?
What makes a bad one?
What kind of people become customers?
What makes a good business?
Why do some go under?

We can now provide the answers:

A business is a money processing entity. The goal of a business is continued existence. It grazes for a specific type of money that grows on land consisting of a specific type of customer. It's internal structure is defined by the kind of money it is adapted to.It is created by the evolutionary niche it fills. The effects of processing this money are products and a lighter pocket of the customer.

Employees are hired and fired based on their attitude, effect and social aptitude. In most businesses you will find combinations of all the possible values of these three characteristics in its employees. In theory you can distinguish between good and bad employees. In many businesses and for many positions people are hired and fired based upon subjective notions (in the absence of tangible production).

People become customers out of want or need. They become our customers depending on our choices for advertising, treatment and product quality. Our decisions are guided by the available competition.

Three makes a business. The choice of grazing lands, the inner workings of the company and the approach of the customer are the key areas when it comes to conducting business. A good business plan is based on a study of these three areas. Companies that go under fail in one or more.

With this knowlegde we can understand our lives better as customers and employees. Our powers and vulnerabilities. We know what a business wants from us and what we can get out of it. For the business owner the areas that require attention are laid bare.

Now it is up to you to restart the renewed battle for survival.

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